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Safety Labeler

A safety labeler is a label printer capable of creating Danger, Warning, Caution and other general purpose safety labels. When you use a safety labeler to create custom safety labels, you save time and money over buying safety labels from a catalog. You can also create customized safety labels to fit your exact needs.

Safety labelers come in a variety of classes. Desktop-class safety labelers are the most popular, and use a PC connection to create the customized label. You can use existing safety label templates and artwork to create your customized safety labels from the PC. The safety labels then print out on the safety labeler right when you need them. You can create 1 custom safety label, or 1000, depending on your needs.

The best safety labelers use a thermal transfer process to embed the ink onto a quality vinyl labeling stock or die-cut label. These thermal transfer label printers are suitable for creating safety labels that will last for years in a variety of conditions, and are scratch, UV and chemical resistant.

Where to buy safety labels: Buying Safety Labels, Safety Labelers