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A standard label is not enough when it comes to valve and lockout labeling. Because of the various shapes of valves and locations where valves are used, you may not be able to locate a surface to apply a standard label. Valve tags are the solution. Simply print your custom label, apply it to the valve tag, then fasten the valve tag in place where you need it. Valve tags can be used anywhere.
ANSI ASME Y1.1-1989 CodesSince you have limited space on a valve tag, it is recommended that you use pre-defined abbreviations or codes on your tags to save space. Below is a list of pre-defined, approved codes for use on valve tags.
Code | Meaning |
A.W. | "A" West Side |
A/D | Analog/Digital |
ABED | Auxiliary Building Equipment Drains |
ABEDT | Auxiliary Building Equipment Drain Tank |
ABFD | Auxiliary Building Floor Drain |
ABFDT | Auxiliary Building Floor Drain Train |
AC | Alternate Current |
ACB | Air Circuit Breaker |
ACK | Acknowledge |
ACT | Actual |
ACT | Actuate* |
ADJ | Adjust |
AE | "A" East Side |
AFW | Auxiliary Feedwater |
AIDS | Accident Identification Display System |
ALM | Alarm |
AMB | Ambient |
AMP(S) | Ampere(s) |
ANAL | Analyzer |
ANNUN | Annunciator |
AO(V) | Air Operated (Valve) |
AR | Area (Radiation) Monitoring |
AUCT | Auctioneered |
AVG | Average |
B.E. | "B" East Side |
B.W. | "B" West Side |
BA | Boric Acid |
BAR | Bar Graph |
BAT | Boric Acid Tank |
BAT | Battery* |
BATT | Battery |
BGY | Bogey |
BIST | Bistable |
BIT | Boron Injection Tank |
BKR | Breaker |
BLOC | Block |
BOP | Balance of Plant |
BTM | Bottom |
BTU | British ThermalUnit |
BUP | Backup |
C | Centigrade (Celsius) |
C.E. | "C" East Side |
C.W. | "C" West Side |
C/CB | Condensate - Condensate Booster |
C1M | Cumulative One Minute |
CAB | Cabinet |
CAL | Calibration |
CAUS | Cause |
CCW | Component Cooling Water |
CCW | Closed Cooling Water* |
CD | Condensate |
CDB | Condensate Booster |
CDT | Chemical Drain Tank |
CHAM | Chamber |
CHAN | Channel |
CHNG | Change |
CHRG | Charging |
CJB | Cold Junction Box |
CKT | Circuit |
CL | Cold Leg |
CLNG | Cooling |
CMPT | Computed |
CNMT | Containment |
COM | Common |
COMP | Component |
CONC | Concentration |
COND | Condensar |
COND | Condensor/Condensate* |
CONDTY | Conductivity |
CONT | Controller |
CONT ROD | Control Rod |
CONTR | Control |
COR | Correction |
CORR | Correlation |
COUNT | Count |
CPM | Counts Per Minute |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CPUS | Central Processing Units |
CR | Control Room |
CROM | Control Rod Drive Mechanism |
CS | Containment Spray |
CSR | Cable Spreading Room |
CST | Condensate Storage Tank |
CUMLT | Cumulative |
CW | Circulating Water |
CW | Circulatring Water* |
CW PP | Circulating Water Pump |
CYL | Cylinder |
D/G | Diesel Generator |
DCPM | Deca Counts Per Minute |
DEG | Degrees |
DEMIN | Demineralizer* |
DET | Detector |
DEV | Devation |
DISC | Disconnect |
DIV | Division |
DO | Diesel Fuel Oil |
DOT | Dirty Oil Tank |
DSCH | Discharge |
DT | Delta Temperature |
ECCS | Emergency Core Cooling System |
EDT | Equipment Drain Tank |
EFCT | Effect |
EFLNT | Effluent |
EHC | Electro Hydraulic Control |
ELEC | Electrical |
EQ | Equipment |
EQUIP | Equipment |
ES | Extraction Steam |
ESF | Engineered Safety Feature |
ESS | Essential Service |
EXH | Exhaust |
EXH | Exhauster/Exhaust* |
EXPANS | Expansion |
EXTR | Extracted |
EXTR | Extractor/Extraction* |
F | Fahrenheit |
FCV | Flow Control Valve |
FD | Forced Draft |
FH | Fuel Handling |
FLW | Flow |
FO | Fuel Oil |
FREQ | Frequency |
FRNT | Front |
FW | Feed Water |
GM | Geiger Mueller |
GOV | Governor |
GPM | Gallons Per Minute |
GRD | Ground |
GRP | Group |
GSC | Gland Steam Condensor |
GV | Governor Valve |
HG(A) | Mercury (absolute) |
HGHT | Height |
HIDP | High Differential Pressure |
HL | Hot Leg |
HOV | Hydraulic Operated Valve |
HP | High Pressure |
HR(S) | Hour |
HRSS | High Radiation Sampling System |
HT RT | Heat Rate |
HTNG | Heating |
HU/CD | Heatup/Cooldown |
HUT | Hold up Tank |
HVAC | Air Conditioning |
HYD | Hydraulic |
HZ | Hertz |
I/O | Input/Output |
I/P | Current to Pressure |
I/V | Current to Voltage |
IA | Instrument Air |
ID | Identification |
IIC | Inter Process Interrupt Card |
IN | Input |
INBO | Inboard |
INC | Increase |
INF | Influent |
INIT | Initial |
INL | Inlet |
INSERTIN | Insertion |
INST | Instrument |
INST | Instantaneous* |
INT | Internal |
INTERM | Intermediate |
IOD | Iodine |
ISOL | Isolation |
JUNCT | Junction |
K | Kilo |
L/L | Lead/Led, an electronic module used to stabilize flow |
Labyrnth | Labyrinth |
LD | Load Dispatcher |
LIM | Limit |
LIN | Linear |
LNG | Long |
LO FLW | Low Flow |
Code | Meaning |
LOCA | Loss of Coolant Accident |
LOSC | Loss of Secondary Coolant |
LP | LOW Pressure |
M/G | Motor Generator Sets |
MAINT | Maintenance |
MAX | Maximum |
MCAMP | Microcamp |
MCB | Main Control Board |
MCR | Main Control Room |
MFP | Main Feed Pump |
MIN | Minutes |
MIN | Minimum* |
MOIST | Moisture |
MPH | Miles Per Hour |
MPS | Miles Per Second |
MS | Main Steam |
MS | Moisture Separator* |
MSIV | Main Steam Isolation Valve |
MSR | Moisture Separtor Reheater |
MTR | Motor |
MU | Makeup |
MV | Millivolt |
MVBL | Moveable |
MWDMTU | Mega Watt Days Per Metric Ton Uranium |
NAOH | Sodium Hydroxide |
NAR | Narrow |
NAR RNG | Narrow Range |
NBL | Noble |
NCCC | Nano Curies Per Cubic Centimeter |
NEG | Negative |
NEUT | Neutron |
NIS | Nuclear Instrumentation System |
NR | Narrow Range |
NUC | Nuclear |
OCB | Oil Circuit Breaker |
OG | Off-Gas |
OOS | Out of Service |
OP | Over Pressure |
OPER | Operator |
OPER | Operating |
OT | Over Temperature |
OT-OP | Over Temperature-Over Pressure |
OUT | Output |
OUTBD | Outboard |
OUTLT | Outlet |
OVERLD | Overload |
OVERTEMP | Overtemperature |
OVRPWR | Overpower |
P6 | Permissive 6 |
P7 | Permissive 7 |
P8 | Permissive 8 |
PART | Partial |
PARTIC | Particulate |
PC | Pico Curies |
PCT | Percent |
PCV | Pressure Control Valve |
PENET | Penetration |
PMG | Permanent Magnet Generator |
PNEU | Pneumatic |
PORV | Power Operated Relief Valve |
POS | Positive |
POST | Position |
POT | Potentiometer |
PPB | Parts per Billion |
PPM | Parts per Million |
PR58 | Process Radiation Monitor 58 |
PREAMP | Preamplifiers |
PRG | Purge |
PRI | Primary |
PROC | Process |
PRT | Pressurizer Relief Tank |
PS | Power Supply |
PSI | Pounds Per Square Inch |
PSIA | Pounds Per Square Inch Absolute |
PSIG | Pounds Per Inch Gauge |
PSIO | Pounds Per Square Inch Differential |
PT | Point |
PTL | Pull-To-Lock |
PW | Primary Water |
PWR RNG | Power Range |
PZR | Pressurizer Relief Tank |
Q | Flux |
QF | Quality Factor |
QUADS | Quadrant 5 |
QUE | Queued, or called upon |
RC | Reactor Coolant |
RCDT | Reactor Coolant Drain Tank |
RCFC | Reactor Containment Fan Cooler |
RCL | Reactor Coolant Loop |
RCLA | Reactor Coolant Loop A |
RCLB | Reactor Coolant Loop B |
RCLC | Reactor Coolant Loop C |
RCLD | Reactor Coolant Loop D |
RCS | Reactor Coolant System |
RDT | Reheater Drain Tank |
RECOMB | Recombiner |
REGEN | Regenrative |
REL | Relative |
RESID | Residual |
RH | Residual Heat |
RHR | Residual Heat Removal |
RHT | Reheat |
RLY | Relay |
RMP | Redundant Measurement Program |
RNG | Range |
RNG | Running* |
ROC | Rate of Change |
RPM | Revolutions Per Minute |
RPM | Reactor Protection |
RTD | Resistance Temperature Detector |
RTN | Return |
RVLIS | Reactor Vessel Level Indication System |
RW | Radwaste |
RWST | Refueling Water Storage Tank |
S/G | Steam Generator |
SA | Service Air |
SB | Service Building |
SEC | Second |
SEL | Select |
SEP | Seperator |
SERV | Service |
SFP | Service Fuel Pump |
SGTR | Steam Generator Tube Rupture |
SI | Safety Injection |
SI BLOC | Safety Injection Block |
SIG COND | Signal Conditioner |
SPDS | Safety Parameter Display System |
SPEC | Specification |
SPG | Scanned Process Group |
SR | Source Range |
STDY | Steady |
STNBY | Standby |
STOR | Storage |
SUPPR | Suppressed |
SUPRESS | Suppression |
SUSPENDS | Suspensions: Keeps track of how many times CPU is suspended |
SW | Service Water |
SW | Switch* |
SWST | Secondary Water Storage Tank |
T/C | Thermocouples |
TAMB | Temperature Ambient |
TAVG | Average Temperature between hot & cold leg of a reactor coolant loop |
TB | Turbine Building |
TB | Terminal Box/Block* |
TC | Cold Leg Temperature |
TCV | Temperature Control Valve |
TD | Turbine Drain |
THER | Thermal |
THRT | Throttle |
THST | Thrust |
TOT | Total |
TREP | Reference Temperature |
TRNA | Train A |
TRNSNT | Transient |
TRP | Trip |
TTD | Terminal Temperature Difference |
TURBS | Turbines |
UNACCOUNT | Unaccountable |
UNCONT | Uncontrolled |
UNCORR | Uncorrected |
VAC | Volts Alternating Current |
VAC | Vacuum* |
VALS | Values |
VAP | Vapor |
VAR | Variance |
VCT | Volume Control Tank |
VDC | Volts Direct Current |
VIB | Vibration |
VNT | Vent |
VOL | Volume |
VOLT(S) | Volt(s) |
WNDGS | Windings |
WR | Wide Range |
XFR | Transfer |
XMTR | Transmitter |
More uses for the SafetyPro labeler are on the label printer applications page.