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Manage Assets with Custom Tags

If your company issues any assets to employees, such as laptops or tools, then you need to track those assets using custom printed asset tags. Custom printed asset tags and labels can help you manage your company assets by tracking where, when and how they are being used. The SafetyPro commercial labeling system can print asset tags of any size, and is capable of generating linear, 2D and 3D barcodes to make asset tracking even easier.

Manage Inventory with Custom Tags

Beyond assets, you may also need to track inventory movement. This may be done with barcode labels printed using the SafetyPro commercial labeling system. Inventory tags and labels can help you keep stock of when inventory is generated or consumed. With custom labels you can include any information you feel is necessary to help make your inventory flow smoothly.

Additional Uses

Additional uses for the SafetyPro label printer are listed at the label printer applications page.