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Software Questions

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Question: Do I need to install the software before connecting the printer?

It is recommended that you install all of the software before connecting the printer for the first time. This way, Windows can find the printer and install the drivers properly the first time you connect.

Question: Should I install the driver first, or FacilityWare?

It makes no difference, you may install the software in any order.

Question: Do I have to have administrative rights on my computer in order to install the software?

It is highly recommended that the software and driver both be installed with full administrative rights. Installing as a non-privileged user may give unexpected results.

Question: If I install FacilityWare, will I not be able to use Word or other programs to create labels?

FacilityWare will work perfectly alongside Word, Excel, or any other program you print labels from. The SafetyPro line of printers work with virtually any software package, including SKM, eTap, and many others.

Question: Can I upgrade from LabelView to FacilityWare? Will I be able to use my old LabelView files?

Contact us directly to find out how to upgrade from LabelView to FacilityWare, free for current customers! You will be able to install FacilityWare and leave LabelView installed, so you can use both programs while you are learning the new one.

Question: I get a warning about Unsigned Drivers or Software when I try to install. What is this, and what do I do?

This is a function of Microsoft logo certification, and may be ignored as long as your software is downloaded from a trusted source. If you are using the ISS software files from our website or CD, you may click Continue Anyway without any problems.

Question: I moved to a new computer and now FacilityWare won't open my previously saved file.

If you're getting an error along the lines of "FacilityWare cannot open this file because it contains elements that are not available in this version," it means simply that your FacilityWare was not installed properly for your username. This happens most commonly when an IT administrator installs the software for an end-user. Luckily, the fix is easy and quick, and usually doesn't require IT to come back to help.

To fix this issue, close FacilityWare, then browse to C:\Industrial Safety Solutions\ and locate the FacilityWare folder. Enter the folder until you see a long list of FacilityWare files. Locate the file named "reg.reg" and double-click it. This will install the proper FacilityWare keys for your user. If the reg.reg file is missing, contact ISS and we can send you a copy.