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DuraLabel 4000 Compared

DuraLabel 4000 website Have you been considering the DuraLabel 4000 label printer? You should carefully compare the specs of the DL4000 label printer before you buy! The SafetyPro prints faster, has more memory, holds more supplies, and can print clearer, crisper graphics.

70ft supply rolls or 150ft supply rolls?

DuraLabel 4000 supplies come in 70ft rolls, instead of the industry standard 150ft rolls. This translates into higher costs where you would have expected savings! You can order our DuraLabel 4000 substitution supplies and get full, industry standard 150ft supply rolls for even less than you pay for DuraLabel 4000 brand supplies.

You also get the automatic cutter standard on the SafetyPro, which will cut every label in a batch for you automatically! Take a look below, then call 877-762-9280 to find out how we can make the SafetyPro your printer of choice!

See bottom of page for DuraLabel, DuraLabel 4000 trademark notes

  • Only 203 DPI
  • 2MB int. storage
  • 4ips max
  • 110m ribbon
  • 70ft vinyl rolls (compared to 150ft industry standard)
  • Generic labeling software
  • Manual cutter
  • Up to 300 DPI
  • 4MB, plus expansion
  • Up to 7ips
  • 300m ribbon
  • Full 150ft vinyl supply rolls
  • Automatic cutter
  • FacilityWare Label Software

The choice is clear! The SafetyPro beats the DL4000, or DuraLabel 4000, hands down. We can also beat it on price! Call today to find out how you can save more on your label printing project!

DL4000 is Godex EZ 1305 Did you know, the SafetyPro works with DuraLabel 4000, DuraLabel Pro / 300, and DuraLabel supplies? That's right, any and all DuraLabel tape will work in the SafetyPro printer, so when you upgrade you won't have to worry about wasting your old inventory!