Electrical Engineers and Arc Flash Hazard Analysis
You know what arc flash analysis is, but do you know what to do with the data? Data means nothing if you fail to warn the workers.
To reach compliance with OHSA regulations on electrical hazard labeling, electrical engineers are often used to prepare arc flash hazard analysis plans for facilities to identify where potential electrical arc flash hazards exist. An 'arc flash hazard' is a dangerous condition associated with the possible release of energy caused by an electric arc. "Arc flash Analysis" is a study investigating a workers potential exposure to arc flash energy. The analysis is conducted to aid in injury prevention and to determine safe work practices. To prepare the arc flash analysis electrical engineers perform calculations to determine the amount of incident energy, determine the arc flash boundaries, and identify the personal protection equipment that should be used. An Arc flash hazard analysis identifies vital information necessary for the safety of those who work on or around energized equipment.
After the arc flash analysis has been prepared, it is vital that the recommended safety labels be properly applied to identify the electrical hazards in your facility. Deadly arc flash accidents happen daily. Properly applied arc flash hazard labels help to prevent arc flash related accidents and can save lives.
One of the current demands of the electrical engineering industry is effective labeling. Industrial Safety Solution customers worldwide tell us that we are the absolute best source for arc flash labeling supplies and equipment. The SafetyPro label printer works with industry standard arc flash calculators and arc flash software. The SafetyPro Industrial Labeling Printer is your arc flash labeling solution. Don't settle; only accept the best in arc flash labeling supplies.