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Templates are a great place to start

If you're just starting out with label making, the SafetyPro has what you need. Choose from hundreds of blank or pre-made templates that you can change for your particular usage. Use the NFPA arc flash software to instantly generate more than 1,000 RTK chemical labels. Use the UNCode database to get access to over 2500 detailed transportation labels. All in all, the SafetyPro provides you with over 4500 label formats to start with!

FacilityWare Template Chooser

With FacilityWare, you don't have to search around or wonder where your templates are. When you click the icon to create a new label, you'll have a "Templates" button instantly accessible. Click it and choose from one of the many template categories presented! You can start working with label templates in seconds with FacilityWare.

Modify and save your templates

Did you know that you can expland your templates to include your own frequently used label styles? With a few clicks, you'll be able to access your "Most Used" designs, dramatically reducing the effort needed to make the labels that you use most!