What does labeling have to do with 5s? Labeling is an important aspect to effective 5s programs.
5S methodology can be described as a set of guidelines for solving a problem. 5s guidelines pertain to procedures for sorting, organizing, cleaning, standardizing, and sustaining the workplace environment to eliminate waste and organize for increased effectiveness and efficiency. These 5S guidelines are based on a set of five Japanese words that begin with the letter "S" : Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke.
Labeling is an important part of every 5s program. Through the creation of a visual workplace, 5s efforts for organization and efficiency are optimized. Industrial Safety Solutions is ready to help you increase visual awareness in your facility. The SafetyPro printer and supplies from ISS fit into 5s programs easily and are useful for all your industrial labeling tasks. SafetyPro truly is the most versatile printer on the market. SafetyPro is your 5s labeling solution!
Tags: 5s labeling,5s program labeling,5s red tag, 5s signs,5s visual awareness