Labeling can help you standardize in the Seiketsu phase of 5s. With labels, you'll be able to create a consistent message that everyone in your organization can see.
In the workplace consistency is a key component to success. Consistency is the focus of the 4th "S", "Seiketsu", or the "standardization phase". Standardizing the best practices in the workplace creates consistency in how tasks and procedures are done. Having standardized procedures help workers do their jobs with greater efficiency leading to greater productivity and lower costs. When responsibilities and requirements are clarified through standardization workers have a greater understanding of job expectations. Better job performance leads to less waste, less production errors, fewer accidents, reduced costs and higher quality.
In addition to standardizing work practices, "Seiketsu" includes standardizing procedures for maintaining the previous three 5s phases. Standardizing the responsibilities workers have regarding "Sort" "Set in Order" and "Shine" will assist them in keeping their work areas efficient, organized and clean.
Team participation is an important part of every 5s program. Employees are a valuable resource and should be encouraged to actively participate in the development of standards associated with their tasks and work areas. Employees take greater pride in their work, have higher productivity, and are more motivated to follow the standardizations when they are comprised of shared values and ideas.
When there are standard procedures in place for how a task is done, ways of organizing and maintaining equipment and tools, and methods of cleaning, then efficiency becomes the standard. Additionally, problems and inefficiencies are more easily identified when standards are in place. Labeling is a useful tool in the "standardizing phase". Labeling can be used to identify work expectations and work flow patterns for each work area.
5s is a cyclical methodology of continuous improvement in the workplace so it is important to develop standards that are flexible and open to continual improvement. Determining best practices and creating standardized procedures takes time and thought but the benefits are great.
Tags: 5s seiketsu,5s labeling,5s visual message, s consistent labeling,5s labeling message,5s awareness