What is the second step in 5s? Seiton, or set-in-order. In this phase of 5s, you learn how to label everything and have everything in its place.
In the second "S", "Seiton", also called "Set in Order", the focus is on efficiency and order in the workplace. "A place for everything and everything in its place", as the saying goes.
Through the "setting in order" process items will be located in a manner that promotes efficient work flow. Items used most often should be the most accessible and should be kept close to where used. This is often referred to as "straightening the flow path".
Labeling is an important part of this "organizing phase" of 5s. With a visual workplace, necessary items are made easy to locate, use, maintain and return. When equipment, tools and materials are properly identified and labeled, items can be quickly located and their use more easily identified. The tools are easier to maintain and then more easily returned to the same location after use. With proper labeling it is easy to recognize when something is missing from it's correct location so it can be located and replaced promptly to prevent future delays in production.
In addition to labeling tools and equipment, "Set in Order" efforts may include floor painting and floor outlining projects to identify walkways, work areas, material storage areas and finished product areas. Creating shadow boards for tools is an effective method of showing where tools belong. Placing frequently used books and manuals on clearly labeled bookshelves and adding cabinets and shelving with identifying labels are other useful organizational methods to organize the workplace for maximum efficiency. When each item has a specific location with clear visual identification then every employee can locate it, meeting the goal of "a place for everything and everything in its place".
This "organizing phase" is an excellent time to take note of safety issues or hazards that need to be addressed such as trip and fall hazards, overhead clearance problems, fire hazards, chemical hazards, electrical hazards and PPE requirements.
Tags: 5s seiton,5s set in order,5s order,5s labeling,5s labels,5s location labels,5s signs,5s placement