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Brady MiniMark Vinyl Brady MiniMark Vinyl Tape

Vinyl labeling tape for the MiniMark printer comes on shorter 110' rolls. This means you'll have to load supplies more often when you compare with the SafetyPro's 150' vinyl label tape rolls. This translates into wasted time refilling the labeling machine more often. It also means you'll have to keep more rolls of vinyl on-hand than with the SafetyPro.

Not surprisingly, the shorter MiniMark vinyl rolls end up costing you more. The per-label price of the SafetyPro is considerably less, even though the SafetyPro print quality is higher resolution and higher quality.

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Brady MiniMark Vinyl Tape SafetyPro Vinyl Tape
  • Vinyl Tape Length: 110'
  • Material: Generic Indoor/Outdoor
  • Price Per Foot: $1.09
  • Vinyl Tape Length: 150'
  • Material: i710 industrial 8-year vinyl
  • Price Per Foot: $0.86